I just can't pass my Clematis without taking a photo.
Every day.
I have only one left,
but it is so beautiful,
when it blooms.
And because it has been a little cold,
blooming goes on longer.
Apples are almost bloomed,
but Melba is later.
I just love the smell of crap apple
- it brings me back to my teenage years.
Under crap apple the surface is blue by Veronica Chamaedrys.
Reminds a lot of Glechoma hederacea, but leaves are tapering, not round.
Columbines are in bloom, too
They choose their habitat as they wants
- redcurrant seems to have blue flowers.
Each one of them delights me with their slight beauty.
I haven't bought summer flowers yet,
but maybe I don't need to,
because rowan has decided to grow in my window box
In the sunny evening bumble-bees are having dinner
Mountain Cornflowers are not in full bloom yet,
but Siberian gorse bushes are
and lilacs
This one blooms with great, big bunches,
but doesn't smell as good as Hungarian lilac.
Few lily of the Valleys.
They haven't spread like I have been hoping.
But I am so glad these are not all gone
Rhododendrons are not in their best shape,
but one is blooming
But Lady's Mantles are doing well.
Not to mention vicia craccas
and cranesbills.
They are fine.
Even though it has been chilly,
mother nature seems to feel full summer.
I still need my winter coat in the evenings.
Joining party:
Olen sanonut tämän saman (en tosin muista joko sanoin sulle) muutamassa blogissa eli sun täytyy kiivetä katolle ja ottaa muutama kuva silleen että koko puutarha näkyy. Olis hieno päästä näkemään millainen tuo väriloisto on kokonaisuutena.
ReplyDeleteJuu, en mene katolle minä. Sellaisesta touhusta ei hyvä heilu. Ja kyllä totuus löytyy kaurapuurosta: ei sellaisesta kuvasta näkyisi mitään väriloistoa. Tai en ainakaan usko. Nuo on kuitenkin hentoisia ja kasvavat pitkin poikin: eli mulla ei ole mitään puutarhalehtien valtavia kukkapenkkejä. Sen sijaan yritän saada vähän joka suuntaan jotain nättiä katsotttavaksi - tässä tapauksessa se kyllä tarkoittaa myös, että pitää oikeasti Katsoa :-)