January 27, 2015

Small steps with slow project

Over two weeks ago I started with cottage
- with an idea to get it organized 
and also get decent working area for me.
I have found it, well, could I even use word "disaster"?
It is chaos.
And I haven't figured out the way to do it better.

My problem is that there is too much stuff.

It seems that when kids are moving out
(and back in several times, I can tell),
they always left something behind.

When I step in the room supposed to be my study,
I first cross to an extra sofa.
Very comfortable,
but old fashioned.
It is in decent shape,
so I just cannot carry it to landfill
and all the charity around here seems to have so many sofas,
they refuses to get any more.
So it stays in storage.
Table is a little small,
and next to it is corner table our son left behind
- as well the old fashioned tv.
Yes, it works.
So, no dances is put up in here.
And the other room...
It is covered with brown paper,
that my son put up while he was using cottage as training house
- and extra wall, when he as training his carpenter exam.
I have already decided,
that there will be new wall paper
- when I will find wall paper,
that doesn't pay a fortune.
It is a storage,
even though during the summer it is 
a pleasant place to spend hot nights.
Huge teddy bear belongs my daughter...
And as can be seen, there is still some electrical work.
Our electrician disappeared.

But all the stuff doesn't disappear:
yesterday into cottage was carried four huge boxes
- filled with Donald Ducks.

Hamsters. We are hamsters.
De-cluttering isn't a word in this house.


  1. Ihan pakko kysyä että mikä on se "pitkä lauta" joka oli pöydässä kiinni? Kaiketi kiinni, tai ainakin se siltä näytti. Liittyykö se jotenkin ompelushommiin?

    Nimim. Enhän minä utelias ole mutta tunnen hysteeristä halua tietää että mitä, mikä ja miksi? ;)

    1. Se on neuluri. Jota en ole saanut toimimaan :-( Ostin kirpparilta, eikä ollut käyttöohjetta. Netistä löytyi kyllä englanninkielinen, mutta jotain menee pieleen, koska aina neljännellä kerroksella jumittuu. Mutta en ole luovuttanut, harjoitukset jatkuvat!

  2. That's hilarious! Tell your children to take their own stuff with them!

    LOL They are lucky to have such a nice mother who will let them keep their Donald Ducks and teddy bears!

    1. I know I am too soft...but cannot help it :-) But in other way, it gives me a changes to figure out, how to organize everything, so that things still can be found and look as less ugly as possible. It is a challenge!
