January 10, 2015

Slow project going on...

I started to do some re-arrangementing in cottage.
Because it is storage as well as my studio,
it is always messed up.
And right now it is even more upside down. 
I did have a plan to go on with cottage today,
but my daughter needed plates,
so I had to join her in her trip to Ikea.
Of course I didn't mean to buy anything,
but somehow...

when I came back home 
- after only 2,5 hours -,
 I had kitchen full of things I seemed to need...
So, no progress in cottage.

And won't be tomorrow either,
because little princess is visiting.
She will sleep next to GrandDad.

During tonight she has entertained us with playing.

She has learned from the best
- her father.
Princess will be waving the baton tomorrow.


  1. Kummilikalla on ihan samanlainen sänky ja tuon mallinen on kätevä kun sen pystyy pakkaamaan todella simppeliin kokoon.

  2. Nuo on tosi käteviä nämä pienet sängyt, eritoten kun on kunnolla korkeat laidat. Prinsessaa kun ei enää arvaa vaunuissa yötä nukuttaa, ponkasee vielä pää edellä alas, kun mummo kuorsaa... Nuoriso kuljettelee aina tarpeen mukaan milloin mihinkin mummolaan mennessään :)

    1. Jep. Ilman korkeita laitoja se meidänkin terminaattori lähtisi sängystä ja pääsisi tekemään pahoj...eikun lähtisi tutkimaan kaikkea mielenkiintoista :D
