Spring has sprung fast.
Really fast.
Whole last week we have had heat,
and nature, as well as my garden, too,
has started blooming.
There has been flowering after flowering.
And I have enjoyed every and each of them.
Yellow narcissuses...

...double narcissuses...

...double yellow narcissuses...

...white narcissuses...


...with armenian grape hyacinth tulips looks like Easter card...

...cowslips in yellow, red and orange...

...Blue eyed Marys...

...even periwinkle started their blooming early...

...and wood anemones for mother...

...wild strawberries - sweeties in future...yam...

Berry bushes and trees are blooming, too.



...and apples...

Cats are hanging out...

And Arianta arbustorums have risen...

But right now I am enjoying everything I have.

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