May 27, 2018

Awesome days

Weather has been really warm lately,
and it has caused accelerated growth in my garden.
Flip side of it is drought.
I am not complaining
- after last summer this is so much lovelier.

May 19, 2018

Filled with spring

Spring has sprung fast.
Really fast.
Whole last week we have had heat,
and nature, as well as my garden, too,
has started blooming.

May 7, 2018

Ordinary landscape

I don't need to walk long,
to see very typical landscape.
Around here we have a lot of fields
 - and thickets.
I don't know how else narrate those mixed forests around here. 
Tangle, perhaps?
But when I slosh around,
I try to find something else.

May 6, 2018

Evening by Rapids of Nukari

There is something intriguing with water.
When it stays still,
it calms you down.
And when it cascases with it's all force,
it also scares - and enchants.
By the rapids in spring it is easy to believe in the spirit of water.
And how it lures you to join in.
I, however, stayed on banks.