May 14, 2015

Week in garden


During last week
- even though it has been cold - 
in the garden has happened a lot.
Yes, a lot of weeds has sprout out,
but also a lot of beauty.
Like Armenian grape hyacinths...

Muscari armeniacum

Armenian grape hyacinth

Omphalodes verna


cowslip primroses...
cowslip primrose

Alpine pennycresses
(yes, I know they are "official" counted as weed)
Alpine Pennycress

More and more wood anemones
Wood anemone

Elephant-ears, food of copse snails (arianta arbustorum)...
Bergenia Moench

And few more  lawndaisies...
Bellis perennis

And my darling Gift from St Petersburg:

I bought it from Estonia late 90'.
It was Prunus triloba, but rabbits ate all the engrafted parts.
However it started the root growth,
and I decided to wait and see,
what it will turn up.
After few years of blooming I believed it is some kind of apple,
but then it made fruits.
Yellow, sweet, small, smelled different than anything I had smelled before.

The answer was closer than I guessed:
I have colleague from Estonia,
and she was thrilled to get these fruits she hasn't eaten after childhood.
And she knew the name :-)
It blooms so early,
that rather any pollinators are flying,
so harvest is very rare,
but it delights me,
when I wake up and see it from bedroom window,
when I come back from work,
and see it from library window...

It has made few descendants,
so I have confidence that it will be blooming for years more...

Every spring I wait for it bloom,
and every spring I am a bit worried,
if it hasn't make it through winter.
But it seems to be tenacious.


  1. Mä alan oikeesti huolestumaan siitä että kaikkialla muualla näkyy kevään merkkejä mutta täällä ei. Silloin kun oli pari lämmintä päivää, muutamia leskenlehtiä työtyi esiin ojien penkoilta mutta siihen se on sitten jäänytkin. Vettä on tullut nyt kaksi päivää putkeen kera todella hyytävän tuulen joten se taitaa tämä kesä mennä ohi ihan totaalisesti. Ärh.

    1. Ei se mene :-) Täälläkin on ollut ihan tolkuttoman kylmä tuuli ja vettä on piisannut runsain mitoin. Ei puhettakaan, että voisi toppatakin jättää pois! Oikea kesä alkaa vasta juhannukselta, tämä vuodenaika on vielä kevättä :-DDD

  2. How beautiful. There is very little growing here yet. I've planted garlic, peas and some potatoes.

    1. We are still having way too cold for potatoes, peas - or anything: in the morning there was frost :-( I haven't even cleaned garden plot yet, but hoping I will get something done during the weekend - with little Princess, who will stay at us both two days :-)
