May 31, 2015

Flaming bacon and other outdoor fun

 Wood grill
We have owned gas grill for few years,
but we use it very rare.

We grill usually with embers instead of gas.

We use gas grill when we are too hungry to wait embers
- or it is raining.

May 26, 2015

Crazy days, crazy week

Omenapuun alla
It has been crazy and hectic week.
At work, at home.
Working overtime.
Getting prepared to racing weekend.
Trying to sleep in the the spring light,

when sun forgets to go down early enough.

May 19, 2015

Promises of spring

I don't work in garden because my garden needs work.
I work in my garden because I need garden work.

Sure, my garden isn't a traditional one.

May 17, 2015

A little helper

Little Princess spent weekend at us.

When my kids spent time at my mother's,
they were clean and polished,
when they came back home.
I am not that kind of grandmother.
We made some cleaning in garden plot.

May 14, 2015

Week in garden


During last week
- even though it has been cold - 
in the garden has happened a lot.
Yes, a lot of weeds has sprout out,
but also a lot of beauty.

May 12, 2015

Memories of Madona: Pärnu-Hesinki

It doesn't take hours to drive from Pärnu to Tallinn.
Google says it is less than two hours without traffic.
It sure takes longer from us.

Here and there we saw Forsythias in bloom.

May 10, 2015

Memories of Madona - on the way home, Pärnu

We left Madona in late afternoon.
We chose E22 and E63, Via Baltica, instead of P30.
For driving it was a lot better,
but for landscapes it was more boring.

May 8, 2015

Memories of Madona - a day in Madona

I was so glad,
when we finally arrived to Hotel Madona.
After sitting in car for hours,
it was great to know,
there will be a chance to spread your arms,
if you want to.