November 19, 2014

Just a little something...

When we stopped in hardware store during weekend
- gathering things for kennels-
I also bought a packet of core mix.
I had no idea,
what I would do with them,
but, well, it was half price!
The packet has lied around these few days
and it was time to do something with it.
It has been so crazy end of summer and fall,
that making even a little arrangement is good therapy.

I have a plate bought from Ikea (where else?) few years ago,
it scratched in dishing machine.
Should been following guide...

Is it surprise to find a mouse on the plate?

Sparkling, golden tree was also bought years ago,
but I think I have used it only once.
I added few spices:
Smells good!
This will be on dining table waiting for it's place:


  1. Komea on ja tietyt tuoksut ovat miellyttäviä. Poikamiehenä kun tupakoin sisällä, niin mulla oli tapana kiehauttaa jokunen kaneli tanko (yleensä 3) vedessä ja jättää kattila liedelle. Tuoksu oli mieto mutta hyvä ja vanilija vie muuten uskomattoman hyvin tupakan hajun pois.

    1. Pitääpä pistää korvan taakse tuo vanilja. Jos vaikka joskus tarvitsee.
