November 24, 2014

Christmas home 2013

This post is part of Blogger Christmas series and BlogHop.
Find the other participated bloggers posts on the links in the end!

On 2013 our home was blue and silver and white during Holiday season.
I started decoration for Kekri from living room and dining area.
Snowballs on the lamp over the table:

and icicles and stars, too:

November 22, 2014

We have snow

It was snowing yesterday.
Nice, light snow.
Enough to get ground white,
but not too much to get annoyed.
It is so much lighter out there!
During Hubby was finishing kennel,
I wandered around the yard.

November 19, 2014

Just a little something...

When we stopped in hardware store during weekend
- gathering things for kennels-
I also bought a packet of core mix.
I had no idea,
what I would do with them,
but, well, it was half price!

November 16, 2014

Small progress, whole day work

We have been in back yard,
my Hubby and I,
whole day.
The Dog was there as a helper, too.
His nose was everywhere.
All the time.
But we managed to get net on.

November 15, 2014

Yep. A dog. The DOG !

What can I say? 
There will be new citizen in Halkis.
He will take a part of my garden.
And a great part of terrace.

November 10, 2014

Gold paint

As I want gold at home now,
I have to find things that are gold
- naturally.
I don't have many,
and there is no way I could
- or would, either - 
buy all.
My cabinets are full enough, thank you.
So I used what I have
- paint.

November 5, 2014

Light brown sofas -and desperate dog

We use to recycle things between our homes, 
my children and I.
There is no limit: furnitures, textile, dishes, little decorative items...
When we need something,
we start first asking from each other.
So I was able to change the color of our sofas
with covers,
that had been at my eldest son earlier.

November 1, 2014

A bit un-ordinary Kekri-day

At the moment,
I am writing this,
I have a view in my kitchen:
Motorist and his girlfriend are standing by the sink 
opening feta package.
They are making chicken salad.