When I came back home,
old apple trees had finished flowering,
but when I made a round in garden,
I found out,
that there was so much more blooming.
Like Clematis.

This is the only clematis I have,
all the others have gone during first winter.
But this one is growing and blooming.
During this time of the year,
in the evening,
when the dew has landed,
smell in garden is amazing.
Because of...
Malus sargentii.
Smell brings me to childhood summers...

and lilacs...

Late apple trees...


and Perennial Cornflower,
which starts blooming...

White lilac...

and Lily of the valley

Not only smelling flowers are blooming,
also Columbines have started.
Double blue...

Dark pink...

light pink ones...

and almost white...

and blue

Garden is filled with blooming flowers and bushes.
Last primroses...

Siberian pea trees...

wild chevrils...


And pines...

I need to decide soon,
what I want to do with these two rowans,
which have grown from seed into flower box...

Lady's Mantles are starting blooming, too.
Their yellow-green flowers are small,
but so bright...

I was surprised,
that there were still tulips

and also,
that there were some moss phlox left...
and still few forget- me- not...

And of course,
because I do live in the house of million weeds,
A lot.

This might be the time of the year I enjoy most.

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