Weather cast promised heat for yesterday.
So, on Thursday night I asked hubby,
if we would go to a short cruise.
Just few hours enjoying (read: I enjoy) sea wind and beautiful coast of Helsinki.
Dinner on the board, perhaps?
He said yes,
and I booked us for a 4 hours cruise with buffet dinner.
The ad said there will be nostalgic music during the sail.
Sounds romantic...right?
After work we headed to train
- that was late, of course -
but we didn't let it bother us.
We were in Helsinki just a little later than was planned,
but it isn't so long walk from Railway station up to the Helsinki Market Square.
On the Market Square we realized it was the first Friday of the month,
so there would be gathering of American Cars during the evening, too.

This tradition has continued decades during the summer months.
But it has been years since we last time joined.
When I saw the boat,
I was just a little disappointed,
that there was so few open desk space.
My imagination had already drawn a picture,
how we will stand on the deck sea wind blowing around us
and bringing the smell of salty water,
staring beautiful archipelago scene...
I couldn't be more surprised,
when captain welcome people on the board
- and told as a safety precept,that it wasn't allowed to dance on tables.
Yes, I had booked us to a party cruise!
With a buffet dinner, though.
Clearly, every one else knew that.
Dancing started right away,
and we danced, too.
Of course, what else could you do,
than enjoy the situation?
Our company in the same table were very nice,
so there is no complains with that either.
It was different than if you would go to dancing restaurant
- scene changes all the time,
even though they weren't the most beautiful ones all the time.
It could be the wind,
that was blowing quite hard last night
- or just because the noisy music...
But we had a chance to admire American Jason Dunham,
which is in Helsinki unofficial navy visit.
Not a rowing boat...
When sun started to set down around 11 p.m,
captain sailed towards harbor through shore of Kaivopuisto.
In Helsinki Market Square there was still meeting of American cars going on,
so we spent some time there for the end of the evening
Fun and different escape from a daily life.
Even the moon was nice and round.
But we weren't sitting on the fence admiring it.
Hyvältä reissultahan tuo kuulosti, olkoonkin että minä alkuun luulin jotta te lähdette ihan vaan kahdestaan ja jollain kohtaa ootte Titanic- tilanteessa. Ei missään nimessä siinä uppoamisjutussa vaan siinä jossa sä seisot keulapiikissä ja levität kätesi ja ukkos ottaa sua.....niin, käsistä kiinni ;)
ReplyDelete:-DDD Siltähän se minustakin kuulosti, roppakaupalla siirappista romantiikkaa. Ukkoparka oli jo valmistautunut suunnilleen uuvahtamaan tylsyyteen, ainoana lohtuna luvattu ruoka....Hauska reissu oli, ei ollenkaan paha, ja noin yleisesti ottaen markkinallisestikin hyvin suunniteltu, kun iso osa porukasta oli keski-ikäistä, niin sen ikäisillehän sopii vallan hyvin muutama tunti heilumista ja ennen puolta yötä kiltisti kotiin nukkumaan :-DDDD Meillä on tämä dilemma: minä rakastan merta, mies ei, souteleminen järvellä sopii hänelle paremmin - ja minusta taas järvet haisevat aivan akvaarioilta....
DeleteMy husband has been to Helsinki on business but so far I have not been able to visit it - hopefully someday soon. My couple of days out last week involved the coast and tall ships so I had to laugh when I saw what your evening out had brought.
ReplyDeleteOh, I hope you can visit Helsinki soon! I love that city - I was born there, so I guess that is why it is always close to my heart. That evening was sure a real opposite of what I as expecting, but I think, that it was also fun. I don't believe, that I would plan a party cruise as on purpose ever :-)