April 9, 2015

Hepaticas are blooming

I know spring is now here.
Hepaticas are blooming.
Under our bedroom window,
so I can see them first in the morning
- and last in the evening

There aren't so many of them yet,
but every one of these has grown from a seed.
I simply love that plain beauty
and blue color.

Voles have spent time in the yard during the winter.

New holes here and there.
No happy about that.
On one fall we plant 100 crocuses beside cottage.
This is what is left:
The rest was found from neighbor's green house
- each half eaten.
Few are found in weird places.

At least one mallow has survived winter.

I am wondering, if these are white east bluebells:
They looks like east bluebells, but I am really not sure.
I should mark up everything
- like a decent gardener would do.

First dandelion are also sprouting
They always survive from winter, don't they?


  1. Minen ala. Olen kiertänyt Blogsphereä ja joka blogissa on kuvia siitä kuinka maasta nousee jos jonkinlaista kukkaa ja kasvia. Meillä ei ole kuin jäätynyttä lehmänpaskaa ja se ei juur mieltä lämmitä ;)

    1. Eiköhän se maa ala sielläkin suunnalla sulaa. Jospa laittaisit vaikka herneitä sisälle kasvamaan, niin tulisi vihreää? :-)
