April 26, 2015

Dudes are out

We had one sunny, warm day.
And I got cleaned yard front of cottage.
Rhododendrons have suffered during last summer,
and there will be only few flowers.
But periwinkle (Vinca) is spreading well,
so here will be blue lake of blooming in June.

April 25, 2015

Heading to summer

Omphalodes verna
This is that magical time of the year,
when new life is seen around every day.
I m enjoying it in my garden.

April 21, 2015

Tonight I cry

Back of our yard, the other side of brook, there is a plot owned by excavation company.
They uses it as a soil storage.
A week ago they started to crash stones there.
Environmental authority required them to build noise barrier.
They did.
From soil.

Today the soil collapsed down.
On the brook.
On our yard.
On the edge of my berry garden.

April 20, 2015

Spring means Supermoto

Spring means, that Supermoto season starts.
So my life will change.
I have to think travelling.
And pit kitchen.
And keep my nerves steady.

April 19, 2015

What's up in garden?

Lately there has been more and more green in the garden.
More crocuses...

Deep and light blue, yellow and white...

April 13, 2015

Lilac in bedroom

Painting by ES
During Saturday it was a great weather:
sun was shining and temperature got up to 15C.
I spent hours outside
- but got not so much done.
But in the evening I made some changes in bedroom.

April 9, 2015

Hepaticas are blooming

I know spring is now here.
Hepaticas are blooming.
Under our bedroom window,
so I can see them first in the morning
- and last in the evening

April 6, 2015

I had plans...

I had plans for Easter.
Or I think I had.
But if it was something that included peace and quiet,
it didn't turn to be true.