There is still party-time going on in my life.
Even though I do not spend much 1st of May -or eve of it -
it is anyway an extra day off work :-)
During the weekend there will be our first grandson's 7th birthday.
7th! How this time fly...
And next weekend:
Little Princess' first party
and Mother's day.
So come and join party-time with me!
It is simple:
Leave your link from the link below,
but, please, take care, that it is family friendly.
If you'll link up Etsy-shop or Giveaway,
it is fair to all visitors,
if they are world wide.
I hope you'll enjoy meeting old friend and make new ones!
And if you want to invite friends to join,
please, feel free to do it!
Here is a button to help:
Let's Party!