We have got warmth.
Not heat, but warm.
I can see becoming fall in the garden.
Berries are ripen.
I have picked few buckets of currants.
Green. Pink. Red. Black. White.
Made steam juice.

Gooseberries are not quite ready yet.
I like a lot gooseberries,
so it hard to wait.
Yes. I am like a child...
I thought I am done with blueberries.
But when our neighbor asked,
if I am willing to join her into woods,
I heard myself answering: "Sure!"
So there I was again...

I call it berry madness.
I am a victim of it.
Hollyhock is in bloom.

I am so proud of it.
I have grown it, you know.
Clematis has made few new flowers.

I was amazed,
that I managed to get a photo of Great Spotted Woodpecker.
I hadn't camera on hand,
so it kindly stayed long enough I got my camera.

I am not the only one,
who is enjoying sunshine.

Shrub roses has blossom out.

There is a promise that blooming will last long.

Rokkari doesn't appreciated much,
when I dangle camera front of his nose.

It seems,
that The Dog will stay at us for good.
So we put some wooden plates on front part of his kennel.
In hope,
that there won't be so muddy dog during the fall.

We left his nap place
(which he has, btw, digged by himself)

Back of the kennel is still on grass.
With small changes terrace looks bigger.

New plates might have a role in it...
Weathercast has promised warmth
- maybe even heat -
for next week.
I will be back at work.

Komeaa kukkaloistoa ja erityiskiitos suomennoksista!
ReplyDeleteMuutenkin olen ihan pihalla kukkien kasvien nimistä ja jos ne vielä ovat englanniksi niin morjes mutta nytpä olikin suomennokset ja taas mä viisastuin!
Mukavaa sunnuntai - iltapäivää <3
Mä yritän jatkossakin muistaa laitella noihin kuviin näitten rikkaruohojen nimiä. Siis yritän muistaa :)