March 23, 2014

Clothes lines

I love to dry clothes outside.
I do dry linen out through the year,
but others only during summer.

Old clothes lines had broken and needed to change.

Just in time, I'd say, 
'cause my dryer broke just few hours after!

As I am short, hubby has made me "a system":
I can take lines down and raise them up, 
so I don't need to make log arms 
-and my linen don't lie on ground.

On the right side lines are simply tied:

But on the left they are just threaded through:

and they come down:

To get lines up 
I just pull and make a tie over the fence to the height I want - 
and when I open tie,
the weight of clothes brings lines back down!

Fresh laundry without aching arms.

1 comment :

  1. Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work.
