My Christmas time isn't Christmas time without flowers.
I love the smell of cinnamon, clove and ginger,
but I am able to live without them.
But flowers - specially hyacinth - that is a total must.
No matter how much I am sneezing,
when they are in bloom.
I use to buy first ones as soon as they arrive to stores
and there have been Christmases,
when those have been the only flowers in the house.
However, last week I bought three cypresses
- and three hyacints.
Just for the start...

There haven't been many sunny days lately,
snow came and is gone,
and everything is dark and black around.

Right nowI don't have more turqouise decor on hand,
and Independence Day is coming soon anyway,
so I am using what I have.

Blue napkin rings with silver, small pine cones and "berries".
Covered with glitter,
so they cannot be put on plate...

White cloves made from fabric.
Several old decor from earlier years' set-ups.

Two cypresses.
And between them hiding one hyacinth.

And some hearts made from mandarin peels
- just trying to keep Rääpäle away.

As I have dark blue table cloth,
it needed something to get it to separate.
So I put paper doily under it.

Two other hyacinths went into basket just the way they are...

and the last cypress into the other.
With a little gray elf.
It is kind of cute sitting on the edge.

Next weekend will be the first Advent.
Between it and Christmas Eve there will be more decoring.
And more meanful Independence Day.
The 100th.

Kyllä on kaunista ja kuva missä hyasintit oli, sai aikaan jännän reaktion tai paremminkin jonkinlaisen assosiaation sillä haistoin hyasintit täysin selvästi.
ReplyDeleteNyt onkin muuten hyvä kysyä että ovatko hyvasintit sesonkikukkia vai saako niitä läpi vuoden?
Sesonkikukkiahan nuo täällä ovat. Tosin sipulit voi säilyttää kevääseen (jos onnistuu, mulla korkeintaan yksi tusinasta on säilynyt) ja istuttaa keväällä maahan ja ihailla kukintaa vuoden päästä. Noin niin kuin periaatteessa. Olen onnistunut tosiaan saamaan muutaman vuosien mittaan maahan ja jokunen on sieltä jopa noussut, mutta kukinta on ollut, sanoisinko hieman vaisua. Tuoksunkin on sitten voinut lähes kuvitella, kun on nenänsä liiskannut kukkaan kiinni :D Eli pitää nauttia, kun on mahdollisuus :)