My cottage boudoir is finally done!
We started with wallpapers during last weekend,
and today I put last candle on the dresser.
After cottage was years in used by our eldest son,
the colors of the walls were not for me.
Not. At. All. Noup.
And last two years it has mostly been as a storage for things,
which should get rid off.
I was real happy,
when I found
- already months ago -
from clearance sale wallpaper on 1 €/ roll.
There wasn't enough one type,
so I decided,
that mix of two will be OK.
So here was a start...

Hubby did most of the work,
And it wasn't the simplest,
as the cottage doesn't have one straight wall...

During the winter walls always moves a little,
so corners are a challenge.
He did a good job.
During hubby was papering,
I painted an old dresser.
I made some waves to the boxes

After second cover they are not so clear, though.
Painting was a little hard,
because I did it in uncleared kitchen...

Original table top of dresser is dark glass,
and I covered it with lace.

It took some time to decide,
which would be better curtains...

Hubby helped and kept them up so I could see,
how they looked...

He was very patient, as I couldn't make decision right away
and asked him to do it twice...
Blue and white was chosen.

I covered old, red stool with piece of old curtain.

It took total about 10 minutes to cut the fabric and shoot stables.
I throw more lace over the dark cabinet.

I might paint it later and glue lace only on doors,
but I am really not sure about it yet.
Lace, lace, more lace:
over small table under old suitcases

I was hoping I could bring a bookcase there, too,
but there wasn't enough room for it.
Lamp in the corner on the small table.
I used to crochet a lot,
Mostly from fisherman's yarn.
I dyed this cloth as well as bedspread, too.

Candle, which I got in Christmas as a gift,
on the dresser

Two tea light lanterns on the window

Mosquito net to give an idea of Princess bed

I believe this room is done for now.
Or at least almost.

The door is not on it's place.
I might sew few throws.
And I seem not to have total "ready" photo.

Maybe it means more changes?
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