January 31, 2016
What was for dinner?
January 30, 2016
Every penny is count
January 19, 2016
Anniversary and Valentine's

January 12, 2016
...and bathroom closets are done

January 10, 2016
Cleaning closet...organized?

January 2, 2016
What if...? thoughs in time of wolf...
I have been sick.
Normal winter-flu turned into high-fewer-earinfection.
Weather cast had promised snow and frost from east.
So, when I woke up in pain in the time of wolf,
I started to think What if...?
As our main heating in the house is electric,
anykind of storm,
that could lead to power outage,
is a problem.
Not huge in normal situation,
because we have a possibility to heat the house with wood, too,
At the night,
when I woke up,
there was no fire wood in the house
- and I knew,
that there won't be anything ready to carry in, either.
And there comes What if...?
What if hubby gets sick before he have made fire wood again?
And What if wind and snow will cause power outage?
What am I able to do then?
I don't know how to use chain saw safely.
Not to mention,
that I probably wouldn't be able to start it, either.
I know, I am not able to pull off the lawn mower...
And I am not very good with hand saw.
Not to mention the axe.
Would I use kitchen knife to cut the wood?
I know, that our eldest son knows how to use chain saw,
but he lives several kilometers from here
-and snowstorm might cause roadblocks, too.
So that is not a real option.
Our closest store sells fire wood (on extreamly high price),
but it is 3,5 kilometers from here.
If the power is off from larger area,
they won't be selling anything.
If I would manage myself there.
I guess not.
Even though all of these were thoughs in the time of wolf,
in the morning I took my phone and started calling:
Idea was, that I would buy some ready-made fire wood.
Just in case.
But have anyone managed to reach anybody between Christmas and New Year?
I didn't.
So, until next week we just hope,
that hubby will stay in health
-and if needed, use all the blankets in the house.