
December 25, 2015

One and half weeks...

Time before Christmas went fast.
It was Winter Solstice before I really realized it.
Maybe the weather had something to do with it:
no snow, no frost.
But dark, so much darkness.

December 13, 2015

Christmas Market and light in the night

Yesterday we visited on Christmas Market in Kerava.
Usually there are several around, 
but maybe the most has been earlier this year and I haven't noticed them.
This market was part of Magical Winterland,
that included a lot of different shows, specially for children.

December 6, 2015

Hubby has been hacking Ikea

When we moved into this house 15 years ago,
the lamps in bathroom was these:
Actually these lamps was also in hallway, vestibule and back in area,
where is f.e water heater.
Lamps might be practical,but. 
They are ugly.