January 8, 2018

Not good

This post will be different.
No nice photos nor any other kind of photos either.
This post will enclude my unhappy thoughts, as well there might be even brutal expression. This might be also political, if it would be read like it is - it is left to reader to decide.
And it is also possible to not go on reading, if you just choose so.

I have been reading a lot of news lately.
Even though I already know, it is not good for me.
And I have read comments on web.
It is like a dope.
You know it will harm you, but you just get more and more. No matter, what will the cost be.

And I feel sick.
Mentally. Physically.

For my opinion our goverment is filled with greedy, extortionate people, who wants to take anything they can from those, who are disanvantaged. And cover their intentions into false testemomy.

They take safety away from people, who are having hard times already.
They build class society, where there isn't any dignity, if you're not alike them.

I assume, with this attitude, they will get
More criminality.
More suicides.
More extended suicides.

Is this really the kind of society they -or we - want?
Society, which cannot feel emphaty for those,
whose life is harder than ours?

Of course, it is never possible for all those, who already believe, that they are better, to be unemployed.
They will never be in situation,
in which they will need help and support.
Oh, no, that is always the others,
who are just lazy.
Or stupid.
All those 190 000.
Just lazy dudes,
who are living on your tax-money.
They really deserve to be punished.
To be so unlucky,
someone else have been chosen instead of them.
That could never happen to you.

I feel sick.

But I am low enough to say to you,
 if I ever find out, that you have been one of those, who feel no emphaty today,
If you ever be in need:
Really? You asked it.
All by yourself.


  1. Niinpä.
    Asia sai mielestäni oikeutettua huomiota ja on yksi suurimmista epäkohdista varsinkin, kun toisaalla jaetaan sopeutumiseläkettä sillä näiden kahden asian välinen kuilu on niin järkyttävän suuri ettei sitä edes heti tajua.
    Sanoin jo tuolla toisaallakin että suomalaiset ovat lammaskansaa, vastaavia päätöksiä jos tehtäisiin etelässä, siellä kansa nousisi barrikadeille niin pitkäksi aikaa kunnes asiaan tulisi (edes jonkinlainen) korjaus mutta ei täällä, täällä kirotaan nurkan takana ja silloinkin nyrkkiin ettei virkavalta vaan kuule. Surullista, sanon minä. Ja asia joka poikii negatiivia lieveilmiöitä.

    Sulle haluan kuitenkin toivottaa mukavaa keskiviikkoa.

    1. Kun ei mitään järkeä ole tuossa touhussa -eikä myöskään tulevassa vaiheessa 2. Jos olisin työnantaja, repisin pelihousuni juuri nyt. Mä en edes kykene ilmaisemaan itseäni järkevästi enää, kun luin Kelan sepustuksia soveltamisesta, miten työmarkkinatukea saavat putoavat suoranaiseen mustaan aukkoon. Ehkä tämä sitten huhti-toukokuussa räjähtää käsiin.
